Do you know a Golf coach that would refund all of your money if you didn’t improve?
Specifically, I guarantee you’ll hit further, more consistently and lower your scores or I’ll give you all of your money back?
Do you want those 'Guaranteed results' with your Golf instead of just another generic coaching course that leaves it all to you
If you do, then you should pay close attention to this message because I want to tell you about something unique.
It is a proven system that is modelled on the thousands of clients who have achieved great results (with me) and how you can too (see countless success stories below for proof)
Golfers who get great results do very specific things that no one else talks about. I have condensed these into a specific system and I want to share it with you. (You will never heard of these secrets)
Do you know a Golf coach that would refund all of your money if you didn’t improve?
Specifically, I guarantee you’ll hit further, more consistently and lower your scores or I’ll give you all of your money back?
Do you want those 'Guaranteed results' with your Golf instead of just another generic coaching course that leaves it all to you
If you do, then you should pay close attention to this message because I want to tell you about something unique.
It is a proven system that is modelled on the thousands of clients who have achieved great results (with me) and how you can too (see countless success stories below for proof)
Golfers who get great results do very specific things that no one else talks about. I have condensed these into a specific system and I want to share it with you. (You will never heard of these secrets)
My name is Jon Grant and Golf has been my obsession for over 40 years.
Since then I have given more than 60,000 lessons in the last 35 years.
Some clients improved dramatically more than others
I have made it my mission to pinpoint the things that make that difference and I want to share those with you here.
My name is Jon Grant and Golf has been my obsession for over 40 years.
Since then I have given more than 60,000 lessons in the last 35 years.
Some clients improved dramatically more than others
I have made it my mission to pinpoint the things that make that difference and I want to share those with you here.
Here are 3 key reasons why golfers don't make great progress...
1. The wrong advice -It is genuinely hard to know which tip or advice applies to you - I’ll show you two ways to be sure (and give you the right advice)
2. They abandon their plan quickly - They try to put the tip or advice into practice but give up quickly because they think it’s not working (Very often it is working but they’re missing the the key ways to know)... again, I will show you easy ways to be sure
3. They mistake practice / effort for improvement -In reality, they are very different things. With Golf, You can put in lots of effort and actually get worse unless you direct your efforts. Working at your game in specific ways with crucial methods to measure your progress is what counts.
Here are 3 key reasons why golfers don't make great progress...
1. The wrong advice -It is genuinely hard to know which tip or advice applies to you - I’ll show you two ways to be sure (and give you the right advice)
2. They abandon their plan quickly - They try to put the tip or advice into practice but give up quickly because they think it’s not working (Very often it is working but they’re missing the the key ways to know)... again, I will show you easy ways to be sure
3. They mistake practice / effort for improvement -In reality, they are very different things. With Golf, You can put in lots of effort and actually get worse unless you direct your efforts. Working at your game in specific ways with crucial methods to measure your progress is what counts.
Here are 3 things you can do straight away to avoid those problems and make dramatic, lasting progress…
1. Use the ‘universal keys' that ALL of the best golfers use - I will show you the most important ones that you can easily model. You literally can’t go wrong working at these
2. Put the tips into your game correctly - Once you have the tips that apply to you (I will clarify how to know which ones) it’s crucial how you measure what you are changing. I will show you multiple tools to choose from to achieve this (like impact stickers which costs pennies and has more effect on distance and direction than a £500 new driver.
3. Use short, focussed practice sessions -I will show you how to focus on improvement & change. If you make your practice sessions a lot shorter with ways to measure what you are doing, your focus and quality goes up dramatically
Once you learn these secrets and the others, you’ll be blown away with how quickly you’ll improve
I have distilled them into an easy to learn system (from 60,000 lessons over 35 years) so I’m not guessing at this point!
Look at the countless success stories below to see what you could do in a matter of weeks
More distance
With the driver, I'm hitting It 50 yards further & better than before lessons
- Steve Bonser
More distance, lower scores & better consistency
Jon is an outstanding coach, very practical. I have improved distance on all my clubs, he has improved my consistency and reduced my handicap. I highly recommended him
- Ritesh Tiwari - Woking
Here’s exactly how it works…
First, the most important part of the whole program….
To make huge, lasting improvements with your golf you must understand that…
5% of what you need is the information 95% is how to put this into YOUR GAME
From 35 years of full time coaching, I have refined these secrets that are the differences between those who only improve a little and those who see HUGE, LASTING IMPROVEMENTS
(I guarantee you won’t hear these anywhere else and this is worth the price of the program alone)
The coaching advice I give you is great (as you will see) but frankly, that’s the easy part. I’ve seen countless golfers who had the right information but hardly improved at all!
It’s all about HOW to put the secrets into practice.
Once you are equipped with the unique ways of how to put the secrets into your game, You will have these 6 core menu’s in your members area to choose from…
1. Hit the ball further now!
2. Consistency & better ball striking
3. Correct specific bad shots (Faults & fixes)
4. Lower scores now
5. Judge Distance Like A Pro
6. The Mind game
Instead of an overwhelming amount of info, just…
Learn the unique secrets that make all the differnece
Pick your priority &Watch the videos
Use the unique ways to put them into your game
Repeat with the next priority and never look back
Here is what would happen…
Meet Ben
Ben is a typical 24 handicap golfer who is very inconsistent, has a shank that ‘pops up’ every now and then and struggles to judge distance).
1. Ben would sign in to his membership area
2. He would then watch the unique, key secrets of how to put the coaching into practice so it works & lasts
3. He would then pick the most important of the 3 key weaknesses mentioned above, (lets say he chose ‘Consistency & better ball striking’)
4. He would watch the videos in that area, put them into practice and then, when ready, move on to stopping the shank or judging distance better
Simple, easy to use and IT WORKS (see countless success stories)
You will see…
Where your practice or efforts went wrong in the past and how to GUARANTEE not to waste effort in the future.
See exactly why your bad shots happen, how to ‘catch them early’ next time so that they don’t come back into your game (once you’ve learned this, you’ll never look back).
Learn easy ways to monitor your progress, MAKING IT FUN & easy to see your improvement.
No more long, unproductive practice sessions, INSTEAD, see great results in a lot less time..
Please be clear though, this is not a quick fix program. It does requires SOME work…
Hit further, more Specifically, a few short intensive sessions with real intent.
Do not sign up if this is not ok because I don’t want anyone who wants something for no effort at all.
You have to play your part, this stuff is like dynamite but it does need you to ignite it.
6 weeks later (or less), you will be hitting it further, more consistently and shooting lower scores
After the bootcamp, you will have (LIFETIME ACCESS) to the comprehensive library of video resources to continue your progress in whatever order you choose.
Lower scores
My handicap has come down from 36 to 23...I would recommend Jon if you want to improve your golf - Karen Young
Lower scores, better ball striking
My handicap 24, now 15 and Jon has helped me tremendously
- Graham Norris
Here are 3 things you can do straight away to avoid those problems and make dramatic, lasting progress…
1. Use the ‘universal keys' that ALL of the best golfers use - I will show you the most important ones that you can easily model. You literally can’t go wrong working at these
2. Put the tips into your game correctly - Once you have the tips that apply to you (I will clarify how to know which ones) it’s crucial how you measure what you are changing. I will show you multiple tools to choose from to achieve this (like impact stickers which costs pennies and has more effect on distance and direction than a £500 new driver.
3. Use short, focussed practice sessions -I will show you how to focus on improvement & change. If you make your practice sessions a lot shorter with ways to measure what you are doing, your focus and quality goes up dramatically
Once you learn these secrets and the others, you’ll be blown away with how quickly you’ll improve
I have distilled them into an easy to learn system (from 60,000 lessons over 35 years) so I’m not guessing at this point!
Look at the countless success stories below to see what you could do in a matter of weeks
More distance
With the driver, I'm hitting It 50 yards further & better than before lessons
- Steve Bonser
More distance, lower scores & better consistency
Jon is an outstanding coach, very practical. I have improved distance on all my clubs, he has improved my consistency and reduced my handicap. I highly recommended him
First, the most important part of the whole program….
To make huge, lasting improvements with your golf you must understand that…
5% of what you need is the information 95% is how to put this into YOUR GAME
From 35 years of full time coaching, I have refined these secrets that are the differences between those who only improve a little and those who see HUGE, LASTING IMPROVEMENTS
(I guarantee you won’t hear these anywhere else and this is worth the price of the program alone)
The coaching advice I give you is great (as you will see) but frankly, that’s the easy part. I’ve seen countless golfers who had the right information but hardly improved at all!
It’s all about HOW to put the secrets into practice.
Once you are equipped with the unique ways of how to put the secrets into your game, You will have these 6 core menu’s in your members area to choose from…
1. Hit the ball further now!
2. Consistency & better ball striking
3. Correct specific bad shots (Faults & fixes)
4. Lower scores now
5. Judge Distance Like A Pro
6. The Mind game
Instead of an overwhelming amount of info, just…
Learn the unique secrets that make all the differnece
Pick your priority &Watch the videos
Use the unique ways to put them into your game
Repeat with the next priority and never look back
Here is what would happen…
Meet Ben
Ben is a typical 24 handicap golfer who is very inconsistent, has a shank that ‘pops up’ every now and then and struggles to judge distance).
1. Ben would sign in to his membership area
2. He would then watch the unique, key secrets of how to put the coaching into practice so it works & lasts
3. He would then pick the most important of the 3 key weaknesses mentioned above, (lets say he chose ‘Consistency & better ball striking’)
4. He would watch the videos in that area, put them into practice and then, when ready, move on to stopping the shank or judging distance better
Simple, easy to use and IT WORKS (see countless success stories)
You will see…
Where your practice or efforts went wrong in the past and how to GUARANTEE not to waste effort in the future.
See exactly why your bad shots happen, how to ‘catch them early’ next time so that they don’t come back into your game (once you’ve learned this, you’ll never look back).
Learn easy ways to monitor your progress, MAKING IT FUN & easy to see your improvement.
No more long, unproductive practice sessions, INSTEAD, see great results in a lot less time..
Please be clear though, this is not a quick fix program. It does requires SOME work…
Hit further, more Specifically, a few short intensive sessions with real intent.
Do not sign up if this is not ok because I don’t want anyone who wants something for no effort at all.
You have to play your part, this stuff is like dynamite but it does need you to ignite it.
6 weeks later (or less), you will be hitting it further, more consistently and shooting lower scores
After the bootcamp, you will have (LIFETIME ACCESS) to the comprehensive library of video resources to continue your progress in whatever order you choose.
Lower scores
My handicap has come down from 36 to 23...I would recommend Jon if you want to improve your golf - Karen Young
Lower scores, better ball striking
My handicap 24, now 15 and Jon has helped me tremendously
- Graham Norris
Similar systems are just not available and ones that have some of these components are complex, don't guarantee any result, leave it all to you and cost between £500 & £1000.
Also, there are many thousands of free videos online as we all know, but if that was the solution, everyone would be single figure golfers
There are also many coaching programs which offer you hundreds of videos and go for quantity (but again), information overload isn't helpful, It’s mostly about how to actually put the secrets into practice on the golf course
If you paid for online 121 lessons with other coaches, you could pay £1000’s for the top ones and you’d get such little time and they don't take responsibility for your progress.
To reinforce what I’m offering you,
(the only proviso is you have to work the system and do what I recommend!)
I’m sure you’ll agree that’s NOT A BIG THING TO ASK TO SEE REAL IMPROVEMENT.
Again, people think nothing of spending £300 on a new putter, £500 on a new driver or £1000’s on a new set of clubs without any guarantee that it will change their game at all.
Think of it this way, If a set of clubs came out that guaranteed a lower score or more distance (or your money back), how much do you think it would sell for?
They wouldn’t be able to keep up with demand!
This is a proven system, ready to go and just requires you to do it. You don't even need to trust me, you just ned to give it a try
Although I could charge £1000+ for a system with a guaranteed result, I want to make it affordable for more people so I considered charging £500 to make it similar to the money people spend on a new driver.
But, for now, I want to make it as low a price as I possibly can so you can get this today…
But it gets better because you will also get these incredible Bonuses..
Bonus 1 - Training aids shortlist
The only training aids I would recommend you use & why
Avoid having to experiment and waste money
Don’t get cheap imitations that prove to be ineffective & a waste of money
There are a select few that really help you to improve and keep you on the right track, here is a shortlist compiled over MANY YEARS
Bonus 2 - How to teach yourself
A mini course in self diagnosis that you can use as long as you play Golf
What you learn here will ALWAYS WORK and you will get better at using this method, the more you try it
You will be able to help others too with these easy to understand principles
Bonus 3 - Club Fitting Secrets
Get the right clubs, save money & avoid getting caught out by these two tricks many club fitters use to sell that you clubs you DON'T NEED.
The next time you try clubs, you will be prepared!
Tell the custom fit specialist these two things and you will end up with an honest, accurate idea of whether they are worth your hard earned money.
I guarantee you’ll surprise them.
Plus, you’ll know the 5 KEY THINGS that you can do to get the absolute best clubs for you.
Bonus 4 - The Few Golf Gadgets that really helps shortlist
Save yourself lots of time & money by using my good & bad experiences with lots of different golf gadgets.
A lot of them look great on the website but are a big disappointment.
ONLY use the ones that actually reduce bad shots, lower your score and accelerate your improvement.
Shooting 4 shots lower, hitting straighter and 10-15 yards further
I'm now able to diagnose problems when I'm on the course and fix them quickly
- Phil Barr
At least another 20 yards with both fairway wood & driver
Jon has made a huge difference to mine and my husbands golf. Have a lesson, you'll find out just how good he is
- Sue Normand
Similar systems are just not available and ones that have some of these components are complex, don't guarantee any result, leave it all to you and cost between £500 & £1000.
Also, there are many thousands of free videos online as we all know, but if that was the solution, everyone would be single figure golfers
There are also many coaching programs which offer you hundreds of videos and go for quantity (but again), information overload isn't helpful, It’s mostly about how to actually put the secrets into practice on the golf course
If you paid for online 121 lessons with other coaches, you could pay £1000’s for the top ones and you’d get such little time and they don't take responsibility for your progress.
To reinforce what I’m offering you,
(the only proviso is you have to work the system and do what I recommend!)
I’m sure you’ll agree that’s NOT A BIG THING TO ASK TO SEE REAL IMPROVEMENT.
Again, people think nothing of spending £300 on a new putter, £500 on a new driver or £1000’s on a new set of clubs without any guarantee that it will change their game at all.
Think of it this way, If a set of clubs came out that guaranteed a lower score or more distance (or your money back), how much do you think it would sell for?
They wouldn’t be able to keep up with demand!
This is a proven system, ready to go and just requires you to do it. You don't even need to trust me, you just ned to give it a try
Although I could charge £1000+ for a system with a guaranteed result, I want to make it affordable for more people so I considered charging £500 to make it similar to the money people spend on a new driver.
But, for now, I want to make it as low a price as I possibly can so you can get this today…
But it gets better because you will also get these incredible Bonuses..
Bonus 1 - Training aids shortlist
The only training aids I would recommend you use & why
Avoid having to experiment and waste money
Don’t get cheap imitations that prove to be ineffective & a waste of money
There are a select few that really help you to improve and keep you on the right track, here is a shortlist compiled over MANY YEARS
A mini course in self diagnosis that you can use as long as you play Golf
What you learn here will ALWAYS WORK and you will get better at using this method, the more you try it
You will be able to help others too with these easy to understand principles
Bonus 2 - How to teach yourself
Bonus 3 - Club Fitting Secrets
Get the right clubs, save money & avoid getting caught out by these two tricks many club fitters use to sell that you clubs you DON'T NEED.
The next time you try clubs, you will be prepared!
Tell the custom fit specialist these two things and you will end up with an honest, accurate idea of whether they are worth your hard earned money.
I guarantee you’ll surprise them.
Plus, you’ll know the 5 KEY THINGS that you can do to get the absolute best clubs for you.
Save yourself lots of time & money by using my good & bad experiences with lots of different golf gadgets.
A lot of them look great on the website but are a big disappointment.
ONLY use the ones that actually reduce bad shots, lower your score and accelerate your improvement.
Bonus 4 - The Few Golf Gadgets that really helps shortlist
Shooting 4 shots lower, hitting straighter and 10-15 yards further
I'm now able to diagnose problems when I'm on the course and fix them quickly
- Phil Barr
At least another 20 yards with both fairway wood & driver
Jon has made a huge difference to mine and my husbands golf. Have a lesson, you'll find out just how good he is
- Sue Normand
And here is the best part of all….
I’m going to offer you a ‘Double Guarantee’
1. If for any reason in the first week, you are not blown away with the system, you can get a 100% of your money back, no questions asked (I will thank you for giving it a try)
2. The second part is my unique guarantee is… In 6 weeks or less, you will be hitting further, be more consistent & shoot lower scores. If you don’t, even if you’ve improved and you’ve loved the system but haven’t got these results, you can get a full, 100% refund and I’ll thank you for your time.
The only proviso is that you must follow the steps I recommend and use the course.
Again, the reason I can offer this is….
Because it works.
I’m proud to say that there hasn’t been one refund in 3 years.
And here is the best part of all….
I’m going to offer you a ‘Double Guarantee’
1. If for any reason in the first week, you are not blown away with the system, you can get a 100% of your money back, no questions asked (I will thank you for giving it a try)
2. The second part is my unique guarantee is… In 6 weeks or less, you will be hitting further, be more consistent & shoot lower scores. If you don’t, even if you’ve improved and you’ve loved the system but haven’t got these results, you can get a full, 100% refund and I’ll thank you for your time.
The only proviso is that you must follow the steps I recommend and use the course.
Again, the reason I can offer this is….
Because it works.
I’m proud to say that there hasn’t been one refund in 3 years.
Because of the promise I am making and the time commitment, I am only able to offer the course to a limited amount of people
I want to have a small number of really happy people who achieve great results who hopefully tell their friends to give this a try too.
I obviously can’t say how long this offer will be available, and I don’t know how long I’ll have the money back guarantee option for so if you want these great results at no risk to you, don’t delay & sign up now.
You may believe that this system won't work because you have tried coaching before but this in unlike anything you have ever tried and you only need to look at all the success stories included here to see how well it works
The improvement was immediate (in the next days medal!) with drives no longer slicing and with at least 20 yards increase in distance
- Carol Hardy
You may believe that you don't have the money to do this but the value compared to the great results you will see is amazing
I am now driving far longer than I was, he has also helped me to win several tournaments this year and matches
Jenny Bacon
You may not have the belief in yourself that you can do this but I have seen every age and every standard of golfer achieve great results. It won't even take long, you'll see improvement in a just a few days
I'm hitting the ball further by 15+yards per club
Simon Mugridge (HCP 13)
You may believe that you don't have the time to do this but it takes a fraction of the time you may think, How you put it into practice is the key
Jon cured my slice and added distance, all in 30 minutes I thoroughly recommend Jon for instant fixes and a long term training and improvement.
Brian James
Because of the promise I am making and the time commitment, I am only able to offer the course to a limited amount of people
I want to have a small number of really happy people who achieve great results who hopefully tell their friends to give this a try too.
I obviously can’t say how long this offer will be available, and I don’t know how long I’ll have the money back guarantee option for so if you want these great results at no risk to you, don’t delay & sign up now.
The improvement was immediate (in the next days medal!) with drives no longer slicing and with at least 20 yards increase in distance
- Carol Hardy
You may believe that this system won't work because you have tried coaching before but this in unlike anything you have ever tried and you only need to look at all the success stories included here to see how well it works
You may believe that you don't have the money to do this but the value compared to the great results you will see is amazing
I am now driving far longer than I was, he has also helped me to win several tournaments this year and matches
Jenny Bacon
I'm hitting the ball further by 15+yards per club
Simon Mugridge (HCP 13)
You may not have the belief in yourself that you can do this but I have seen every age and every standard of golfer achieve great results. It won't even take long, you'll see improvement in a just a few days
You may believe that you don't have the time to do this but it takes a fraction of the time you may think, How you put it into practice is the key
Jon cured my slice and added distance, all in 30 minutes I thoroughly recommend Jon for instant fixes and a long term training and improvement.
Brian James
So, If you want to hit further, more consistently and lower your scores
If you want 'Guaranteed results' with your Golf instead of just another generic coaching course that leaves it all to you
First, the most important part of the whole program….
To make huge, lasting improvements with your golf you must understand that…
5% of what you need is the information 95% is how to put this into YOUR GAME
From 35 years of full time coaching, I have refined these secrets that are the differences between those who only improve a little and those who see HUGE, LASTING IMPROVEMENTS
(I guarantee you won’t hear these anywhere else and this is worth the price of the program alone)
The coaching advice I give you is great (as you will see) but frankly, that’s the easy part. I’ve seen countless golfers who had the right information but hardly improved at all!
It’s all about HOW to put the secrets into practice.
Once you are equipped with the unique ways of how to put the secrets into your game, You will have these 6 core menu’s in your members area to choose from…
1. Hit the ball further now!
2. Consistency & better ball striking
3. Correct specific bad shots (Faults & fixes)
4. Lower scores now
5. Judge Distance Like A Pro
6. The Mind game
Instead of an overwhelming amount of info, just…
Learn the unique secrets that make all the differnece
Pick your priority &Watch the videos
Use the unique ways to put them into your game
Repeat with the next priority and never look back
Here is what would happen…
Meet Ben
Ben is a typical 24 handicap golfer who is very inconsistent, has a shank that ‘pops up’ every now and then and struggles to judge distance).
1. Ben would sign in to his membership area
2. He would then watch the unique, key secrets of how to put the coaching into practice so it works & lasts
3. He would then pick the most important of the 3 key weaknesses mentioned above, (lets say he chose ‘Consistency & better ball striking’)
4. He would watch the videos in that area, put them into practice and then, when ready, move on to stopping the shank or judging distance better
Simple, easy to use and IT WORKS (see countless success stories)
You will see…
Where your practice or efforts went wrong in the past and how to GUARANTEE not to waste effort in the future.
See exactly why your bad shots happen, how to ‘catch them early’ next time so that they don’t come back into your game (once you’ve learned this, you’ll never look back).
Learn easy ways to monitor your progress, MAKING IT FUN & easy to see your improvement.
No more long, unproductive practice sessions, INSTEAD, see great results in a lot less time..
Please be clear though, this is not a quick fix program. It does requires SOME work…
Hit further, more Specifically, a few short intensive sessions with real intent.
Do not sign up if this is not ok because I don’t want anyone who wants something for no effort at all.
You have to play your part, this stuff is like dynamite but it does need you to ignite it.
6 weeks later (or less), you will be hitting it further, more consistently and shooting lower scores
After the bootcamp, you will have (LIFETIME ACCESS) to the comprehensive library of video resources to continue your progress in whatever order you choose.
Similar systems are just not available and ones that have some of these components are complex, don't guarantee any result, leave it all to you and cost between £500 & £1000.
Also, there are many thousands of free videos online as we all know, but if that was the solution, everyone would be single figure golfers
There are also many coaching programs which offer you hundreds of videos and go for quantity (but again), information overload isn't helpful, It’s mostly about how to actually put the secrets into practice on the golf course
If you paid for online 121 lessons with other coaches, you could pay £1000’s for the top ones and you’d get such little time and they don't take responsibility for your progress.
To reinforce what I’m offering you,
(the only proviso is you have to work the system and do what I recommend!)
I’m sure you’ll agree that’s NOT A BIG THING TO ASK TO SEE REAL IMPROVEMENT.
Again, people think nothing of spending £300 on a new putter, £500 on a new driver or £1000’s on a new set of clubs without any guarantee that it will change their game at all.
Think of it this way, If a set of clubs came out that guaranteed a lower score or more distance (or your money back), how much do you think it would sell for?
They wouldn’t be able to keep up with demand!
This is a proven system, ready to go and just requires you to do it. You don't even need to trust me, you just ned to give it a try
Although I could charge £1000+ for a system with a guaranteed result, I want to make it affordable for more people so I considered charging £500 to make it similar to the money people spend on a new driver.
But, for now, I want to make it as low a price as I possibly can so you can get this today…
First, the most important part of the whole program….
To make huge, lasting improvements with your golf you must understand that…
5% of what you need is the information 95% is how to put this into YOUR GAME
From 35 years of full time coaching, I have refined these secrets that are the differences between those who only improve a little and those who see HUGE, LASTING IMPROVEMENTS
(I guarantee you won’t hear these anywhere else and this is worth the price of the program alone)
The coaching advice I give you is great (as you will see) but frankly, that’s the easy part. I’ve seen countless golfers who had the right information but hardly improved at all!
It’s all about HOW to put the secrets into practice.
Once you are equipped with the unique ways of how to put the secrets into your game, You will have these 6 core menu’s in your members area to choose from…
1. Hit the ball further now!
2. Consistency & better ball striking
3. Correct specific bad shots (Faults & fixes)
4. Lower scores now
5. Judge distance better
6. The Mind game
Instead of an overwhelming amount of info, just…
Learn the unique secrets that make all the differnece
Pick your priority &Watch the videos
Use the unique ways to put them into your game
Repeat with the next priority and never look back
Here is what would happen…
Meet Ben
Ben is a typical 24 handicap golfer who is very inconsistent, has a shank that ‘pops up’ every now and then and struggles to judge distance).
1. Ben would sign in to his membership area
2. He would then watch the unique, key secrets of how to put the coaching into practice so it works & lasts
3. He would then pick the most important of the 3 key weaknesses mentioned above, (lets say he chose ‘Consistency & better ball striking’)
4. He would watch the videos in that area, put them into practice and then, when ready, move on to stopping the shank or judging distance better
Simple, easy to use and IT WORKS (see countless success stories)
You will see…
Where your practice or efforts went wrong in the past and how to GUARANTEE not to waste effort in the future.
See exactly why your bad shots happen, how to ‘catch them early’ next time so that they don’t come back into your game (once you’ve learned this, you’ll never look back).
Learn easy ways to monitor your progress, MAKING IT FUN & easy to see your improvement.
No more long, unproductive practice sessions, INSTEAD, see great results in a lot less time..
Please be clear though, this is not a quick fix program. It does requires SOME work…
Hit further, more Specifically, a few short intensive sessions with real intent.
Do not sign up if this is not ok because I don’t want anyone who wants something for no effort at all.
You have to play your part, this stuff is like dynamite but it does need you to ignite it.
6 weeks later (or less), you will be hitting it further, more consistently and shooting lower scores
After the bootcamp, you will have (LIFETIME ACCESS) to the comprehensive library of video resources to continue your progress in whatever order you choose.
Similar systems are just not available and ones that have some of these components are complex, don't guarantee any result, leave it all to you and cost between £500 & £1000.
Also, there are many thousands of free videos online as we all know, but if that was the solution, everyone would be single figure golfers
There are also many coaching programs which offer you hundreds of videos and go for quantity (but again), information overload isn't helpful, It’s mostly about how to actually put the secrets into practice on the golf course
If you paid for online 121 lessons with other coaches, you could pay £1000’s for the top ones and you’d get such little time and they don't take responsibility for your progress.
To reinforce what I’m offering you,
(the only proviso is you have to work the system and do what I recommend!)
I’m sure you’ll agree that’s NOT A BIG THING TO ASK TO SEE REAL IMPROVEMENT.
Again, people think nothing of spending £300 on a new putter, £500 on a new driver or £1000’s on a new set of clubs without any guarantee that it will change their game at all.
Think of it this way, If a set of clubs came out that guaranteed a lower score or more distance (or your money back), how much do you think it would sell for?
They wouldn’t be able to keep up with demand!
This is a proven system, ready to go and just requires you to do it. You don't even need to trust me, you just ned to give it a try
Although I could charge £1000+ for a system with a guaranteed result, I want to make it affordable for more people so I considered charging £500 to make it similar to the money people spend on a new driver.
But, for now, I want to make it as low a price as I possibly can so you can get this today…
So, If you want to hit further, more consistently and lower your scores
But it gets better because you will also get these incredible Bonuses..
Bonus 1 - Training aids shortlist
The only training aids I would recommend you use & why
Avoid having to experiment and waste money
Don’t get cheap imitations that prove to be ineffective & a waste of money
There are a select few that really help you to improve and keep you on the right track, here is a shortlist compiled over MANY YEARS
A mini course in self diagnosis that you can use as long as you play Golf
What you learn here will ALWAYS WORK and you will get better at using this method, the more you try it
You will be able to help others too with these easy to understand principles
Bonus 2 - How to teach yourself
Bonus 3 - Club Fitting Secrets
Get the right clubs, save money & avoid getting caught out by these two tricks many club fitters use to sell that you clubs you DON'T NEED.
The next time you try clubs, you will be prepared!
Tell the custom fit specialist these two things and you will end up with an honest, accurate idea of whether they are worth your hard earned money.
I guarantee you’ll surprise them.
Plus, you’ll know the 5 KEY THINGS that you can do to get the absolute best clubs for you.
Save yourself lots of time & money by using my good & bad experiences with lots of different golf gadgets.
A lot of them look great on the website but are a big disappointment.
ONLY use the ones that actually reduce bad shots, lower your score and accelerate your improvement.
Bonus 4 - The Few Golf Gadgets that really helps shortlist
And here is the best part of all….
I’m going to offer you a ‘Double Guarantee’
1. If for any reason in the first week, you are not blown away with the system, you can get a 100% of your money back, no questions asked (I will thank you for giving it a try)
2. The second part is my unique guarantee is… In 6 weeks or less, you will be hitting further, be more consistent & shoot lower scores. If you don’t, even if you’ve improved and you’ve loved the system but haven’t got these results, you can get a full, 100% refund and I’ll thank you for your time.
The only proviso is that you must follow the steps I recommend and use the course.
Again, the reason I can offer this is….
Because it works.
I’m proud to say that there hasn’t been one refund in 3 years.
1. If for any reason in the first week, you are not blown away with the system, you can get a 100% of your money back, no questions asked (I will thank you for giving it a try)
2. The second part is my unique guarantee is… In 6 weeks or less, you will be hitting further, be more consistent & shoot lower scores. If you don’t, even if you’ve improved and you’ve loved the system but haven’t got these results, you can get a full, 100% refund and I’ll thank you for your time.
The only proviso is that you must follow the steps I recommend and use the course.
Again, the reason I can offer this is….
Because it works.
I’m proud to say that there hasn’t been one refund in 3 years.
Because of the promise I am making and the time commitment, I am only able to offer the course to a limited amount of people
I want to have a small number of really happy people who achieve great results who hopefully tell their friends to give this a try too.
I obviously can’t say how long this offer will be available, and I don’t know how long I’ll have the money back guarantee option for so if you want these great results at no risk to you, don’t delay & sign up now.
Because of the promise I am making and the time commitment, I am only able to offer the course to a limited amount of people
I want to have a small number of really happy people who achieve great results who hopefully tell their friends to give this a try too.
I obviously can’t say how long this offer will be available, and I don’t know how long I’ll have the money back guarantee option for so if you want these great results at no risk to you, don’t delay & sign up now.
If you want 'Guaranteed results' with your Golf instead of just another generic coaching course that leaves it all to you
Shooting 4 shots lower, hitting straighter and 10-15 yards further
- Philip Barr
My handicap 24, now 15 Jon's helped me tremendously
- Graham Norris
At least another 20 yards with both fairway wood & driver
- Sue Normand
You may believe that this system won't work because you have tried coaching before but this in unlike anything you have ever tried and you only need to look at all the success stories included here to see how well it works
The improvement was immediate (in the next days medal!) with drives no longer slicing and with at least 20 yards increase in distance
- Carol Hardy
You may believe that you don't have the money to do this but the value compared to the great results you will see is amazing
I am now driving far longer than I was, he has also helped me to win several tournaments this year and matches
Jenny Bacon
You may not have the belief in yourself that you can do this but I have seen every age and every standard of golfer achieve great results. It won't even take long, you'll see improvement in a just a few days
I'm hitting the ball further by 15+yards per club
Simon Mugridge (HCP 13)
You may believe that you don't have the time to do this but it takes a fraction of the time you may think, How you put it into practice is the key
Jon cured my slice and added distance, all in 30 minutes I thoroughly recommend Jon for instant fixes and a long term training and improvement.
Brian James
If you want 'Guaranteed results' with your Golf instead of just another generic coaching course that leaves it all to you
Shooting 4 shots lower, hitting straighter and 10-15 yards further
My handicap 24, now 15 Jon's helped me tremendously
At least another 20 yards with both fairway wood & driver
- Steve Bonser
- Ritesh Tiwari
- Karen Young
- Philip Barr
- Graham Norris
- Sue Normand
You may believe that this system won't work because you have tried coaching before but this in unlike anything you have ever tried and you only need to look at all the success stories included here to see how well it works
The improvement was immediate (in the next days medal!) with drives no longer slicing and with at least 20 yards increase in distance
- Carol Hardy
I am now driving far longer than I was, he has also helped me to win several tournaments this year and matches
Jenny Bacon
You may believe that you don't have the money to do this but the value compared to the great results you will see is amazing
You may not have the belief in yourself that you can do this but I have seen every age and every standard of golfer achieve great results. It won't even take long, you'll see improvement in a just a few days
hitting the ball further by 15+yards per club
Simon Mugridge (HCP 13)
Jon cured my slice and added distance, all in 30 minutes I thoroughly recommend Jon for instant fixes and a long term training and improvement.
Brian James
You may believe that you don't have the time to do this but it takes a fraction of the time you may think, How you put it into practice is the key